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Fall Herbal Retreat

  • Bridge Between the Worlds 2395 Paddock Wood Road Keswick, VA, 22947 United States (map)

The Hidden Place

This day-long retreat is an invitation to mirror the energy of each season and remember that you are a part of nature.

For The Elderberry’s seasonal retreats, we observe each of the distinct seasons that Virginia offers us, along with the astrological weather, to host a day-long retreat that allows you to feel both fully present to your unique experience AND immersed in the larger energies that are moving through the collective and through the earth.

This day-long herbal retreat is part of The Hidden Place, a two-day healing weekend hosted by The Elderberry. Head to the Hidden Place event page for all the details.

October 9

Herbalism 101: The Digestive System

October 20

Wellness Salon