Cannabis Plant Medicine Jan Wolfe Cannabis Plant Medicine Jan Wolfe

Cannabis By Any Other Name Part 2

Everyone Has Their Own Cannabinoid System

Ready to learn a little more about Cannabis? Cannabinoids were first found in plants and only recently has it been discovered that each of us has our own internal cannabinoid system called the Endocannabinoid System (ECS). This system underlies all other systems including the Autonomic Nervous System. It’ offers both protection and regulation and interfaces with every system in our body.

The Gift of Protection (ECS)

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Cannabis Plant Medicine Jan Wolfe Cannabis Plant Medicine Jan Wolfe

Cannabis By Any Other Name

You want to try CBD oil but are confused by all the hype and product varieties. What works? That depends on a) what you’re using it for: anxiety, sleep, pain, etc. and b) the cannabis strain including the amount of CBC, THC and terpenes. This 2-part series covers the basics about the current craze and provides a different perspective on this powerful plant that could be your potential ally. First, let’s get clear about the words.

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