Tweaking Our Plan for COVID-19 to Continue Services
As I wrote earlier, we have been thinking this through on how to protect us, our customers and still provide herbal remedies. We came up with a 3 level plan. We’ve been functioning at a Level 2 these past few days (as outlined on the previous newsletter). We are now going to Level 3-A (and yes, there is Plan 3-B!)
All classes and events have been put on indefinite hold.
We will be open Mon-Fri 11-6 and Saturday 10-4. THE DOOR IS LOCKED TO ALLOW 1 PERSON IN AT A TIME. Please wait your turn.
IF YOU ARE SICK, DO NOT come into the store. Take a deep breath, walk back to your car, and call 434.964.9376 to speak to a staff person to place an order and pay by phone (DO NOT LEAVE YOUR CREDIT CARD INFO ON THE ANSWERING MACHINE).
Your order will be placed in a bag (with your first name and last initial on it) in the plastic bin outside the store for you to pick up. The bin will be brought inside every day at 6:00PM, unless other arrangements have been made.
IF YOU WANT TO PLACE AN ORDER IN PERSON, a staff member will come out, write down your order and let you know when it will be ready.
YOU CAN ALSO EITHER CALL IN AN ORDER AT 434-964-9376 OR email with your request and phone number. A staff member will get back with you to confirm the order and accept payment by phone.
Orders placed in the pick-up box will be brought inside the store at 6:00PM for overnight safe keeping, unless other arrangements have been made.
IF YOU HAVE A CONSULTATION SCHEDULED, we’ll bring you inside at your appointed time. OPTION: Heather, Jan and Sydney can do consultations through either Skype or Face Time, if you so choose.
IF YOU NEED SOME BRIEF (5 minute) GUIDANCE ON WHAT YOU NEED (NOT a consultation), either wait your turn for entry or sign up for a scheduled entry time on the clipboard located on the bench outside the store.
Other Items of note: We currently have in stock most of Stephen Buhner’s herbal COVID-19 herbal remedies. We are low on Oregon Grape Root and none of our suppliers have it in stock. HOWEVER, we do have Barberry Root which is an acceptable replacement.
As noted in an earlier blog, we are expecting a LARGE herbal shipment of loose herbs on Wednesday. It takes a day to do all the Quality Control requirements, so the herbs will be available for sale on Thursday.
To inject a bit of gentleness and hopefulness amidst these chaotic times, here is a brief clip of Mr Rogers talking about “The Hidden Helpers”.
Help us continue to remain available to serve your herbal needs!